We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow www.doorway.ru more. The Cobra 18 WX ST II is 40 channel CB radio made for recreational vehicles. Features include a front facing speaker, dual channel monitoring, and access to 10 weather channels—all in a compact design/5(28). WX CH3 (MHz) STANDARD AUDIO LOADING: CB/WX 8 W 18 WX ST II with TDA Audio Amp. Title: Service Manaul Cobra 18WX ST II (www.doorway.ru) Author Subject: Service Manaul Cobra 18WX ST II Keywords.
Product Help/Manuals. Registration and Updates. Product Support. Service. Your Order. Terms Conditions. International Sales Support. Travel Essentials: Drivers and their loved ones can always count on Cobra for reliable communication and safe power solutions. Learn More. Cobra loaded type antenna models HGA , HGA , and HGA are highly rec ommended for most instal lations. Consult your Cobra dealer for further details (or see order form at the back of this book). 3Way Combination Antennas are available which allow oper ation of all three bands (AMFM CB), using a single antenna. Frequency Ranges Accessories The COBRA 18 WX ST II transceiver represents one of the most advanced AM two-way radios used as a Class D station in the Citizens Radio www.doorway.ru unit features advanced Phase Lock Loop (PLL) circuitry providing complete coverage of all 40 CB channels and all 10 weather channels as shown below.
Cobra Electronics 18 WX ST Two-Way Radio User Manual ment to the technology that made Cobra #1 in CB Radios. Please take some time to read this booklet. applicable portions of this instruction manual to make certain you are following correct procedure The COBRA 18 WX ST II transceiver represents one of. The Cobra 18 WX ST II is an affordable CB radio that's been redesigned with improved features. The 18WXSTII features basic CB features.