Commonwealth home support program manual

 · The Commonwealth Home Support Program, or CHSP, was introduced in and replaced the Home and Community Care Program. It also incorporated a couple of other programs, including the National Respite for Carers (or NRCP) program and the Assistance with Care and Housing program (commonly called ACHA). CONSULTATION ON CHSP PROGRAMME MANUAL, CHSP NATIONAL FEES POLICY AND GOOD PRACTICE GUIDE FOR RESTORATIVE CARE APPROACHES Background The National Aged Care Alliance (the Alliance) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Department of Social Services (the Department) consultation on the Commonwealth Home Support . Commonwealth Home Support Programme. Program Manual CTH

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme – Program Manual is the fourth version of the Manual since its inception in July and supersedes all previous versions. Last updated: August 31 August Guideline. This – manual provides an overview of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), including the service types it funds and requirements for delivering those services. It is for CHSP-funded service providers to use, and forms part of their CHSP grant agreement. How do I access Commonwealth Home Support Programme services? This booklet outlines the usual pathway for people to access Commonwealth Home Support Programme services. It includes information on what to expect at each stage, as well as information for special circumstances and further assistance. 1. Call My Aged Care 2. Have a home support assessment 3.

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