Operation Manual Use smart and save smart ¡Thank you for purchasing intelligent Touch Controller. ¡This operation manual contains notes for safe use of the product. For correct use, be sure to read this manual carefully before use. ¡When you have read this manual, be sure to store it in a place where the operator can conveniently refer to at. The Daikin intelligent Tablet Controller solution The Daikin intelligent Tablet Controller solution allows an end-user to control and manage a wide range of Daikin HVAC equipment from a tablet app and web browser interface. The intelligent Tablet Controller solution is available in one of the two following function modes (i.e., operation. Installation and operation manual BRC1E53 1 3PKA– The English text is the original instruction. Other languages are control over your installation. 1 BASIC REMOTE CONTROLLER The basic remote controller functions are: ON/OFF, operation mode change-over.
The iTouch is our advanced centralized controller. It can control up to 64 indoor unit groups ( indoor units). It has independent cool and heat setpoints for occupied and unoccupied conditions. The iTouch Controller provides building owners, facilities/premises managers and maintenance operators refined and energy efficient control of Daikin. intelligent Touch Manager Model DCMA51 Installation Manual 01_EN_3Pindd 1 3/29/ PM. manual for Protocol Information document numbers. MicroTech III control integration literature is available from your local Daikin sales representative and www.doorway.ru The Daikin I/O Manager offers the following features: • Power supply AC 24 V or DC 24 V • 8 configurable analog I/Os — 4 analog outputs 10V or 25ma, or analog inputs.
not powered on. Power on the intelligent Touch Manager and wait for a while before. trying to operate the remote controller. The “Group No. setting” menu is. Intelligent Touch Controller - DCSC51 | Detailed easy monitoring and operation of VRV systems. Installation Manual 3P DCMA71 intelligent Touch Manager. English. CAUTION. • Keep water out of the controller. • To avoid leakage and electric.