Specman pros and cons The cons of Specman are obvious it costs a lot of money to train your staff and to buy the licenses. In case you are training your electrical engineers, who normally don't posses a lot of programming experience, to do the Specman verification, expect the learning curves to be about half as steep as those shown in Verisity. · We are looking for years experienced folks in Specman or Vera or SystemVerilog. We also offer Specman trainings for those who want to apply for US jobs and getting there with eRM know-how will be a GREAT advantage for you. We at CVC now offer Specman trainings as well, so call us for your success. TeamCVC www.doorway.ru Enterprise Risk Management enhances an organization’s ability to effectively manage uncertainty. It is a comprehensive, systematic approach for helping all organizations, regardless of size or mission, to identify events, and measure, prioritize and respond to the risks challenging its most critical objectives.
Trophy points. 1, Activity points. 1, site:www.doorway.ru specman. specman eRM document and sat training material is more than enough. I would suggest after the basic training, try to make a basic eVC that may clear your all doubts as you check on eanalyzer for the eVC compliant. 1. 2. Cadence ® Specman ® Elite automates testbench generation and reuse, providing multi-language support and an advanced debug option. The tool is cloud ready, supports industry-standard verification languages, and is compatible with the Open Verification Methodology (OVM), the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), and the eReuse Methodology (eRM), so you can quickly and easily integrate it. 3. Specman and UVM Specman is an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool, provided by Cadence, that offers the capability of developing advanced verification environments. The language used to write the testbench is called “e Hardware Verification Language” and is an AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) language [4].
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