FIM stands for Fault Isolation Manual. (also Functional Independence Measure and more) Rating: 6. 6 votes. · DESCRIPTION, OPERATION, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ME (), MEHM Page 5 of 72 Mar 19/15 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES SUBJECT PAGE DATE SUBJECT PAGE DATE Title Page 1 Aug 20/13 Test and Fault Isolation (cont.) 38 Oct 03/13 Notices 2 Aug 20/13 39 Oct 03/ found in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMA), Fault Isolation Manual (FIM), Service. The invention provides the mechanic with the ability to access fault isolation manual (FIM) troubleshooting procedures via an internal software hot link between the CMC fault code and the FIM procedure. The FIM data is a subset of the electronic portable maintenance aid (PMA) data.
I operate a Bombardier Dash 8 Q I want to know if aircraft engineers are mandated to close or rectify a defect by only following the fault isolation manual (FIM). Can an engineer instead use his knowledge and experience of the systems to isolate the problem and resolve the defect?. Fault Isolation – Huge difference here between different OEMs. – For faults manual Boeing are using the FIM or even FRMFIM manual which mainly lists faults and their procedures while Airbus are producing Troubleshooting manual based on the TSM which includes groups of symptoms that result in a fault and then the. Fault Isolation Manual or “FIM” – means the Manual that deals with methods that can isolate the component, device or software module causing the error Sample 1 Based on 1 documents.
Mc Donnell Douglas F / A 18 A / B / C / D Aircraft Organizational Maintenance - Fault Isolation Manual - Memory Inspect Access A1-F18AC-FIM FIM - Fault Isolation Manual. Mar 7, A fault isolation manual (FIM) prescribes a series of steps to be used when troubleshooting a problem. The steps in the FIM involve.