· Fraser-Johnston® (Serial Number styles are the same as Coleman®) How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Fraser-Johnston® HVAC Systems. The date of production/manufacture or age of Fraser-Johnston® HVAC equipment can be determined from the serial number located on the data plate. Parent Company: York. fraser johnston furnace parts Fraser Johnston Ton Seer Air Conditioner with RA Refrigerant DESCRIPTION The SEER Series Mid-tier Series condensing unit is the TG9SC16MP york furnace tg9sc16mp11a service manual | Appliance manuals and free pdf instructions. Created Date: 11/9/ PM.
• Furnaces installed near chemical storage areas • Chemical exposure The furnace requires OUTDOOR AIR for combustion when the furnace is located in an area where the furnace is being exposed to the follow-ing substances and / or chemicals. • Permanent wave solutions • Chlorinated waxes and cleaners • Chlorine based swimming pool chemicals. Fraser Johnston HVAC Air Conditioner Furnace Manuals. CURRENT FRASER JOHNSTON RESIDENTIAL AS FURNACE MANUAL (inch) [PDF] Addressing the company's current models in these series: Fraser Johnston Reliant-Series: TP9C, TPLC, LX-Series TM9Y, TM9Y, TM8Y, TM9V, TM8V, TM8E, TL8E, TL9E. Download manuals user guides for 10 devices offered by Fraser-Johnston in Furnace Devices category. Choose one of the enlisted appliances to see all available service manuals.
Fraser-Johnston Heating and Cooling Equipment - Furnaces, Gas Furnaces, Heat Pumps, Evaporator Coils, Condensers, Air Conditioners. This is a 70's vintage standing pilot natural gas furnace made by Fraser Johnston. Disclaimer: I make no representations or warranties of. Products 1 - 20 of 32 Buy Fraser Johnston Furnace Furnace Switche at Dey S York/Luxaire/Fraser-Johnston Furnace Limit Switch With Manual.