PEC ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LAB Objective: To design and implement the circuits to gain knowledge on performance of the circuit and its application. These circuits should also be simulated on Pspice. 1. Log and antilog amplifiers. 2. Voltage comparator and zero crossing detectors. 3. Second order filters using operational amplifier for–. Logic Design Laboratory Manual 2 _____ integrated circuit chips available. TTL ICs are usually distinguished by numerical designation as the 54series. PROCEDURE: 1. Check the components for their working. 2. Insert the appropriate IC into the IC base. 3. Make connections as shown in the circuit diagram. 4. Lab Manual. ECComputer Networks Laboratory; EC Linear Integrated Circuit Laboratory; ECCircuits and Simulation Integrated Lab Manual; ECCircuits And Devices Laboratory; CSOperating Systems Laboratory; CSMobile Application Development Laboratory; CSObject Oriented Programming Lab; CSMicroprocessor And.
2. OP AMP Applications – Adder, Subtractor, Comparator Circuits. 3. Integrator and Differentiator Circuits using IC 4. Active Filter Applications – LPF, HPF (first order) 5. Active Filter Applications – BPF, Band Reject (Wideband) and Notch Filters. 6. IC Oscillator Circuits – Phase Shift and Wien Bridge Oscillators. 7. by James M. Fiore. Version , 15 September Laboratory Manual for Operational Amplifiers LIC3. ThisLaboratory ManualforOperational Amplifiers Linear Integrated Circuits: Theory and Application, Third Editionis copyrighted under the terms of a Creative Commons license: This work is freely redistributable for non-commercial use, share-alike with attribution Published by James M. Fiore via dissidents ISBN For more information or feedback, contact: James Fiore. The objective of this lab manual is to provide information to undergraduate students to practice experiments in electronics laboratories. This book covers experiments for linear/analog integrated circuits lab, communication engineering lab, power electronics lab, microwave lab and optical communication lab.
The Analog System Lab Manual Manual, Schematic and Graph paper book Applications of IC MPY Wide Bandwidth Analog Precision Multiplier. IC APPLICATIONS LAB MANUAL [TYPE THE COMPANY ADDRESS] z FOR III BTECH, ECE-Ist SEMESTER By . Mar Input offset current. 3. Input and Output offset voltage. 4. Slew rate. (B). Basic Applications. 1. To design an amplifier with gain of.