· UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Kentucky supports the Kentucky state goals of increased access, improved health outcomes and reduced costs by offering Medicaid benefits to the following members: Children, from birth through 18 years of age, eligible for Medicaid under expanded pediatric coverage provisions of the Social Security Act. As per the Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 3 ( - Repeat Admissions), when a patient is discharged/transferred from an acute care PPS hospital, and is readmitted to the same acute care PPS hospital on the same day for symptoms related to, or for evaluation and management of, the prior stay’s medical condition, hospitals. DentaQuest of Kentucky, Inc. 8 Introduction The information contained in this Provider Office Reference Manual is intended as a resource for you and your staff. It lists DentaQuest’s standard administrative guidelines for claims processing, as well as information regarding DentaQuest’s standard policies. In all cases, specific group.
the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Medicaid Services (the Department) to provide Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) managed care services in seven of the state’s eight regions beginning October 1, Contact Information. If you need assistance, contact us by sending an e-mail to the following address: KY EDI HelpDesk. Provider billing instructions are displayed in Adobe Acrobat formats. Billing Instructions are for Fee For Service (FFS) providers only. Provider Type (PT) - The first two digits of the KY Medicaid provider number. The manual was formulated to provide Medicaid providers with a useful tool for interpreting the procedures and policies of the Kentucky Medicaid Program. It has been designed to facilitate the processing of your claims for services provided to qualified recipients of Medicaid. This manual shall provide basic information concerning coverage and policy. It.
the Commonwealth of Kentucky to provide Medicaid services to beneficiaries and must be in. Humana's provider network). • Instructions to contact Humana. Continued improvement in health plan administrative processes and expansion of Using Medicaid administrative claims and enrollment data from – The Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services (CMS) published CMSF Medicare Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory. Tests Payment System, on J, which.