Aim-4sl hardware manual

Aim HYDRA EMS NEMESIS Manuals: Aim Data Loggers HYDRA EMS NEMESIS Interface connections (5 pages) 7: Aim MXL2 Manuals: Aim Data Loggers MXL2 Operation user’s manual (60 pages) 8: Aim MyChron 3 Manuals: Aim Data Loggers MyChron 3 Technical documentation (4 pages) 9. Hardware Support Human Resources APACS is your gateway to controlling Apollo’s full range of industry leading hardware including such standard-setting devices such as the AAN Access and Alarm Network Controller and the AIM-4SL 4-Door Downloadable Interface Module. The intuitive software interface. OptiTrack cameras featuring the Aim Assist button (Prime series and Flex 13) makes this aiming process easier. This is a physical button located on the back of the camera body. With just one button-click, the user can set the camera to the grayscale mode and the exposure value to its optimal setting for adjusting both aim and focus.

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Installation Manual PC5O2O Version DLS-3 v and higher APOLLO HARDWARE: AIM-4 4 Door Reader Interface Module: AIM-4SL Downloadable 4 Door Reader. The AIM-2SL links door hardware with one of Apollo’s AAN or AAM Series Controllers, providing inputs for a full range of reader types including proximity, smart card, and biometric. Up to 8 card formats are supported simultaneously allowing you to mix and match different reader types or easily migrate old card populations.

With full hardware control for 4 doors, the AIM-4SL not only supports advanced features such as Precision Access and 38 Access Levels per card. This manual was prepared to help you under- and equipment in your vehicle may vary depend- The purpose of the regulation is to help reduce. OWNERS / TECHNICAL MANUAL. Emergency Lighting and Power The purpose of this Internal Bypass line is to route power to the critical load S - 4S.


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