We released Air Navigation Pro for Android in This is the little brother of the iOS version and we are working to make it grow and reach the same level as Air Navigation iOS. Regular updates are released with improvements, more tools and better performance. Air Navigation Pro Flight Plan integrates flight plan functions, meteorological information, and NOTAM information in a single document, allowing you to communicate more efficiently with Air traffic controllers. This important information for your Preflight Briefing is available with any of our Standard and Premium www.doorway.rug: android. Air Navigation Pro ist eine hochwertige App, die hauptsächlich VFR Piloten beim Fliegen mit Echtzeit GPS Navigation unterstützt. Über Jahresabonnement erhältlich, bietet Air Navigation Pro Flugplanung und -verfolgung, sowie Zugriff zu einer Datenbank mit weltweiten Lufträumen und Wegpunkten/5(K).
Welcome to our Wiki. You will find here all the information related to our apps and how to use them. This website is intended to be a complete user manual, however. The moving map is the main instrument of Air Navigation. It is used for real time navigation as well as route planning or creation of user waypoints. Introduction to the Moving Map. Select a waypoint from the database. Route planning. Adding an Aircraft profile. Map Options menu. Overlaying. Terrain Elevation view. Android Car Navigation User Manual The use of certain features of these devices depends on your network service provider's network settings and performance. In addition, due to the different network service providers, some.
Air Navigation Pro Manual de Usuario Air Navigation Navegación en tiempo real con mapa móvil mayor información: www.doorway.ru Air Navigation Pro Android. Air Navigation Pro - Air Navigation Pro is a high-quality flight assistant app, with real time GPS navigation for mainly VFR pilots. air navigation pro инструкция Руководство User Пользователя Manual 1 map but also Android программы и приложения» Транспорт» Air Navigation Pro Air.