Ak 47 service manual pdf

 · Addeddate Identifier firearms-akassault-rifle-operators-manual Identifier-ark ark://tjv34 Ocr ABBYY FineReader Ppi. AK Owners Manual. Illustration Major operational parts of the Rifle Study of this picture will aid you in understanding the instructions in this booklet. Buttstock. Recoil spring cam Safety lever Receiver Charging handle Rear sight 6. 7 Gas tube lock arm 17 16 8. Upper lower handguards 9. Front sight. This statement will be removed when pdf’s are up. Mosin Nagant Sniper. Po Remontu APS. AK 47 Service Manual. AK 47 Parts Blueprint (Arabic) AKM Blueprints. AKM Manual. AKM Receiver Blueprint. Bizon 2 SMG Manual. East German AK 74 Operator .

Organizational Maintenance Manual with Repair Parts List for Rifle, MM, AK NSN: LL-MUS 1. This manual contains operating instructions, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting procedures for the rifle, mm, AK It is divided into five chapters. 2. US Armorment, The Art Science of Shooting. Addeddate Identifier firearms-akassault-rifle-operators-manual Identifier-ark ark://tjv34 Ocr ABBYY FineReader Ppi.

Full text of "AK - Operator's www.doorway.ru (PDFy mirror)". See other formats MAINTENANCE 38 SECTION VIII, AMMUNITION (BALL BLANK) 39 ±£. The AK was the prototype for many subsequent versions, and the Chinese manufactured SKS Type 56 rifle is a direct derivative of Kalashnikov's design. Shortly after World War II, the Soviets developed the AK assault rifle, which would quickly replace the SKS in Soviet service. The AK was finalized.


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