· In defiance of any sensible rules of capitalism, the creators included 30 "cluebook" pages in the game manual. Each dungeon level is fully detailed. I'm avoiding these pages, naturally, but I glanced at them long enough to see that the Black Crypt is a whopping 28 levels, the largest occupying coordinates up to 40 x Museum of Computer Adventure Game History. · req: Black Crypt manual (pdf) - Amiga. Hello, I would like to have Black Crypt manual - the raven games site offer manual for free - but the link is not working, - www.doorway.ru is not working too Could someone send me black crypt manual / text as PDF? 30 December ,
Museum of Computer Adventure Game History. req: Black Crypt manual (pdf) - Amiga Hello, I would like to have Black Crypt manual - the raven games site offer manual for free - but the link is not working. In defiance of any sensible rules of capitalism, the creators included 30 "cluebook" pages in the game manual. Each dungeon level is fully detailed. I'm avoiding these pages, naturally, but I glanced at them long enough to see that the Black Crypt is a whopping 28 levels, the largest occupying coordinates up to 40 x
Black Crypt is a decent game in the Dungeon Master line. the creators included 30 "cluebook" pages in the game manual. Download Black Crypt. We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation. You will need BC manual to answer some riddles and unlock some magical barriers through the game. It can be downloaded here.