BSR is proud to provide the ultimate value in design and development of a 10 band graphic equalizer with a real time frequency spectrum analyser, the EQ, for your superior sound analysis. The EQ uses a fluorescent indicator tube which has separate segments plus 10 segments average response indicator for display to analyse sound source frequencies and 9/10(9). Manual is double-side printed on 11in x 17in stock, neatly center folded, center stapled. Models covered: BSR EQ, ADC SSX. Overall quality is Very Good to Excellent. BSR: EQ Equalizer: Service Manual: This manual is actually an ADC SSX (% identical) which we also list here rather than send to you the ADC list. 27 rows · BSR stereo frequency equalizer EQ Full Text Matches - Check BSR .
BSR is proud to provide the ultimate value in design and development of a 10 band graphic equalizer with a real time frequency spectrum analyser, the EQ, for your superior sound analysis. The EQ uses a fluorescent indicator tube which has separate segments plus 10 segments average response indicator for display to analyse sound source frequencies and room acoustics. BSR EQ 10 BAND STEREO EQUALIZER w/ SPECTRUM ANALYZER. $ 2 bids. $ shipping. Ending Aug 22 at PM PDT. 3d 23h. BSR EQ 14/14XR Computerized Band 5 Memory Equalizer/Spectrum Analyzer! READ!! $ View and Download BSR EQ owner's manual online. graphic equalizer with a real time frequency analyzer. EQ stereo equalizer pdf manual download.
BSR EQ No picture available. Request the BSR EQ brochure. Request the BSR EQ schematic. Download the BSR EQ owners manual. BSR Equalizer Model: EQ 10 band equalizer. Pink Noise microphone included. Owners Manual included. SOLD! Category: Equalizers Effects Tag: Sold. The BSR EQ is a band Stereo Equalizer and Spectrum Analyzer. It provides up to +/- 15 dB boost/cut. The analyzer has a range switch to provide.