use of Burris XTB Bases (Xtreme Tactical Bases) as they were also designed with the special mounting considerations of the Eliminator LaserScope. 2. Read the manufacturer’s directions regarding the installation of mounts before beginning. 3. Clean the mounting area of the rifle with a chemical that removes grease and Size: KB. Burris Warranty If your LaserScope’s optics or mechanical systems are ever found to have defects in materials or workmanship, Burris will, at our option, repair or r ep l aci tnoh g.T sy m dw for 3 years from the date of purchase. If a repair is needed, send the product to Burris Company, East 8th Street, Greeley, Colorado, Mounting The Ballistic LaserScope ™ 1. Select a Weaver-style or Picatinny-style mounting base. If a two-piece base is selected for a long action bolt rifle, the front base should be a reversible (extension) base which will need to be mounted with the extension directed rearward. We recommend the use of Burris XTB Bases (Xtreme Tactical Bases) asFile Size: KB.
X. BURRIS WARRANTY 12 Mount Battery Compartment. The operation and programming buttons are located on the top of the scope’s eyepiece. There are four arrows—Up. use of Burris XTB Bases (Xtreme Tactical Bases) as they were also designed with the special mounting considerations of the Eliminator LaserScope. 2. Read the manufacturer’s directions regarding the installation of mounts before beginning. 3. Clean the mounting area of the rifle with a chemical that removes grease and oil. eliminator iii laserscope by burris. to begin using your eliminator, you’ll first need to follow steps i-iv on the following pages. i. mounting the eliminator iii laserscope 4 ii. sighting-in the eliminator iii 5 iii. eliminator operations electronics 6 iv. program the eliminator for your specific cartridge 10 v. additional information
Ballistic Laserscope 5 Quick Guide: Italian, Download Eliminator III Laserscope Manual, Download FastFire 4 Manual: Italian, Download. There are, however, differences between the two laser riflescopes. The optics and reticles, as well as various trim features (adjustment caps, lens caps, the. Burris Eliminator Laser Scope. , viewsK views. . Dislike. Share. Save. SWFA. SWFA. subscribers. Subscribe.