American red cross lifeguard training manual online

Supplies Products Books DVDs Lifeguarding Aquatics Lifeguarding Lifeguarding Empower your students to help during times of crisis. With the American Red Cross lifeguard manual (for students and instructors), as well as our instructors kits and lifeguard DVDs, you can share critical information and train the next generation of lifeguards. The American Red Cross makes accessing your lifeguarding certification a simple and easy process. We offer digital certificates that can be easily viewed from anywhere via your Red Cross account with simple access to print or share online. Allowing employers access to your certificate information has never been easier. Shallow Water Lifeguard Training. Print: Shallow Water Lifeguard Class Forms. Online manual: Lifeguarding Manual. Please Note: You are not required to purchase or print the manual.

Updated and released in January , the American Red Cross Lifeguarding Manual is used by participants in the new Lifeguarding Program. This newly revised program trains lifeguards to act with speed and confidence in emergency situations – both in and out of the water. Chapter 3 Cardiac Emergencies | 38 | First Aid/CPR/AED Participant’s Manual. 60 30 55 5 50 10 45 15 40 20 35 60 30 50 10 40 60 10 1. 30 50 2 0. minutes. This instructor’s manual is part of the American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED program. Visit to learn more about this program. The emergency care procedures outlined in this book reflect the standard of knowledge and accepted emergency.

Course Description; Pre-course requirements; Course Dates Times; Fees Class Registration Link; Facility Locations; Red Cross Lifeguard Manual and Online. he American National Red Cross. All rights reserved. Acknowledgments. The American Red Cross Lifeguarding Instructor's Manual was developed. American Red Cross Lifeguard classes are for adults or young adults age 15 Blended learning = Seven hours of online coursework need to be completed by.


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