Ammonia refrigeration design manual

the ammonia in the geberator. VI. - COMPRESSION SYSTEM - (a) PRINCIPLE - Systems of refrigeration using the compression types of machines base their operation on the utilization of the latent heat of vaporization of substances having low boiling points. Such substances as . refrigeration system in the condenser as the refrigerant changes liquid to a gas in the evaporator. state from a gas back to a liquid. Vapor Compression Cycle. Example (Deg. F.) (Deg. C.) No measurable BTU’s are required to Boiling . for ammonia. Furthermore, because of the high solubility of water in ammonia, free water is difficult to extract from the solution. Water and ammonia will co-exist and act as a kind of zeotropic refrigerant, whose saturated P-T relationship is no longer the same as anhydrous ammonia. These are factors as to why ammonia systems.

3. Design Pressure-+C above wet Bulb for Water Cooled min. 4. +C above Dry Bulb for Air Cooled Minimum -EN/ISO standard I Prefer Designing for both High and low stage Vessels for above pressures to Reduce Ammonia Charge. Ammonia can be then stored in L.P. vessel there is no need to pump down if one wants to stop the plant. The first refrigeration compressor design was made in and the first compressor for commercial use shipped in The engineer employed for the refrigeration design work was Edgar Penny and all designs were for ammonia as the refrigerant. There exist numerous stories about the addition of refrigeration to a successful steam engine business. Good refrigeration piping design requires that the refrigeration lines be pitched in the direction of flow at approximately 1/2 inch per 10 feet or 1 inch per 20 feet. Refrigerant velocities in vertical lines should be at least ft/min to ensure good oil return; velocities in horizontal lines should be at least ft/min. Suva refrigerants ®.

Ammonia-Water system is widely used in the refrigeration industry. The manual calculations are based on standard co-relations available in various literatures. 14 sept Tongue and groove or ANSI flanges should be used in ammonia piping. Welded flanges for low-side piping can have a minimum. psi design. There are numerous codes and standards that have requirements related to ammonia detection system design, including IIAR 2 (Addendum B), ASHRAE 15, NFPA-1,. UMC.


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